Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Celiac Disease Awareness Day!!

Wheat: Celiac Disease Offender

(Photo credit: Dreamstime free edition).

Happy Celiac Disease Awareness Day everyone!  Let's go out there and tell the world about one of the most under-diagnosed diseases in the U.S.  The average time for correct diagnosis of gluten intolerance/celiac disease is somewhere around 10 years.  10 YEARS!  I suppose I am one of the people that makes the average shoot up, since I had been eating gluten for 22 years longer than I was supposed to...unknowingly of course!  The doctors had misinformed us that I would "grow out of the problem" when I was 2 years old.  Studies now show that you do not grow out of gluten intolerance or celiac disease.  Sometimes I wonder if I had been diagnosed sooner, if I would have avoided developing an intense food allergy (soy) and other moderate intolerances (lactose).  BUT! Here's our chance to cut that diagnosis time down to size!  I know I'll be giving an ear load to everyone I encounter tody ;)

For those who are not entirely certain of what Celiac Disease is, or suspect they may have it, here's a great article on the subject.  It includes most symptoms, but is missing neurological problems such as ADHD (I had it quite bad before diagnosis), Autism, Anxiety, Depression, nervous system disorders and loss of feeling in random parts of the body.  There are many more symptoms that are less common, which makes Celiac hard to diagnose.  Happy reading, and please email me if you have any questions about the gluten free diet and/or celiac subjects that I have not yet discussed on the blog posts.  (Disclaimer:  I have been gluten free for 2 and a half years, but am not a medical professional.  This blog is not intended as medical advice.  Please talk with your healthcare professional or doctor to determine what is best for you before implementing any special diets or food eliminations). Read the article here:


Hoping this day finds you well, and sending positivity,

xoxo Bethany

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