(Photo credit: Dreamstime.com Free)
Just popping in for a short post today on healing after your diagnosis. When I was diagnosed with a soy allergy, I weighed in at a whopping 96 pounds. My gut was severely damaged (and is still healing a couple months after). I have since been filling my body with as much fresh organic produce as possible, which has been easy thanks to my boyfriend's mother. She is so sweet and has been providing us with organic veggies, squashes and greens from her garden all summer and fall. She also bought us a juicing machine--I'm hooked for life. It's so good for your body when healing since you are able to absorb over twice the amount of vegetables you would just eat regularly. For instance, if I feel like eating carrots, I will probably only be able to fill up my stomach with 2 large ones. If I make carrot juice on the other hand, I can add 4-5 carrots, some celery, and tomatoes into the juicer, and drink all of them in the same amount of time. It's great for addressing your nutritional deficiencies caused by food allergy/intolerance malabsorption. Juice takes up less room in your stomach and your body is able to process it much faster.
It's best to drink your vegetable or green juices on an empty stomach so all the vitamins and nutrients can be absorbed into your body in about a 20-mintue window. After drinking, wait a 10-15 minutes before eating to ensure proper absorption. You can experiment with all different types of veggies and greens. Try adding a dash of salt and pepper or cayenne pepper to your juice for added flavor or a kick of hotness ;)
I like to drink veggie juice in unlimited quantities, but I tend to keep my fruit juice intake to 1-2 servings of juice a day to control my natural sugar intake. I usually use our Black & Decker fruit juicer instead of the Hamilton Beach power juicer for fruits since it's easier to add the pulp back into the fruit juice if you like the added texture (and nutrients!). I've also been using the pulp from the vegetable juices to make homemade vegetable stock for soups. You can make it now with organic, in-season vegetables and store it in the freezer for soup making in the winter. I recommend freezing it since it
Happy juicing....the healthy veggie/fruit kind! ;) Here's some links to the juicers we are currently using and loving! They may not be the largest or most powerful, but they work just as well and are great affordable options.
Black and Decker Citrus Juicer: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=xa0&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=black+and+decker+fruit+juicer&um=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=665&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16877432509215518000&sa=X&ei=sceQTricEcT30gGKsL0b&ved=0CHcQ8wIwBA
Hamilton Beach 67650 Big Mouth Pro Juice Extractor: http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-67650-Mouth-Extractor/dp/B000FHQJ6C
Leaving you with a thought and good energies:
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. --Buddha
Wishing a beautiful weekend,
Bethany xoxo
Great Healing: Drink your Veggies! « SoyFreeGlutenFreeHaven site, really like it . I will pass it on to others Keep up the good content, SoyFreeGlutenFreeHaven, very interesting.
ReplyDelete[...] Natural Oils and Juices — Coconut oil is a powerful cleanser for the body, as well as Apple Cider Vinegar. 2 tablespoons of either of these every day or every few days (as maintenance after cleansing) is a good habit to pick up. Fresh juices are essential, and I try to drink at least one fresh juice blend daily, whether from fruits, veggies, or both. And by fresh juice, I don’t mean the kind from the store. Use a power juicer or blender to blend your own mix. See my previous post on healing with making fresh juice here. [...]