Sunday, May 13, 2012

Enjoy Life Plentils Review

The well over a week long hiatus is officially over!

My life has been pretty busy with starting a new job these past few weeks, so I apologize for the infrequent and haphazard posting as of late. But we're back on track and have a huge list of topics to cover over the next few weeks. Today, I'm going to hand the keys over to Yan for his first official post on the blog! For those of you who are new to the blog, Yan is my boyfriend and has been there for me every step of the way through most of my worst allergic reactions to eventually my severe soy allergy diagnosis. He was with me before the allergy development and always supported my gluten free lifestyle due to celiac/gluten intolerance.

Yan grew up in Belarus and moved to the U.S. when he was 13. He also has some food allergies, but I'll leave that to him to explain. Without further ado...

YC: Hello guys! I'm excited to post here today! Beth and I are also excited that she now has an updated domain name of!

Recently Enjoy Life sent Bethany a sample of Plentils, but because of her allergies to legumes I offered to taste them instead of her. I found them to be delicious and quite addictive with my favorite flavor being dill and sour cream. These Plentils prove to be a wonderful quick snack and everyone who'd try them should be surprised to find out that they are free of top 8 allergens. I'm allergic to various fresh fruits and vegetables foods due to my hay fever, so I appreciate Enjoy Life's sensitivities to those living with multiple food allergies. (Some of the foods I'm allergic to include fresh celery, cherries, peaches, apples, cilantro, and many more. I can eat most of these foods after they've been cooked, however).

The Enjoy Life Plentils come in 4 flavors: Dill & Sour Cream, Light Sea Salt, Margherita Pizza, and Garlic & Parmesan. They're crunchy, delicious, and offer an awesome alternative to regular potato chips. The addition of lentils adds more protein to the chip which is a nice twist.

Thanks everyone, and go check out Enjoy Life's new Plentils!

A big thanks to Yan for reviewing this product for me, as I'm allergic to all legumes (lentils, beans, peas, soy, etc). I'm so thankful for all your support and love.
Have you tried Enjoy Life Plentils? What's your favorite flavor?
