Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cajun Coconut Popcorn

I have a lot of memories that involve the movies and going to the theater. From my first Disney movie experience to Batman in Imax, one thing had been a constant; sweet buttered popcorn. Since going gluten-free, I've always been hesitant to try popcorn at the cinemas. What do they put in that buttery slather anyway? (I'm pretty sure it's not real butter in most cases). I've thought about opting for unbuttered popcorn, but with my soy allergies I really don't want to risk cross contamination. Solution? My genius sister getting us this at home popcorn air-popper, which makes the perfect natural popcorn. This is best enjoyed fresh (and smuggled into the theater in a small bag!)

Though it's the perfect on-the-go gluten-free snack, I've never really been a fan of "regular" popcorn. That is, without salt and additional butter or spices. I called on my dad's lessons on spice layering and Cajun style with this homemade spice rub which I then combined with the most versitle item in my fridge; Olivio Coconut Spread. It's a perfect non-dairy, gluten-free, soy-free replacement for good old butter. Stirring this spicy concoction up in the kitchen while the popcorn maker buzzed and popped, the only thing I could think of was Emeril's signature line..."BAM!"

Cajun Coconut Popcorn Drizzle:

(This recipe depends on how much popcorn you're popping, but I based it off of one recommended popping size from my Poplite Air Popper. Use more or less to taste and serving size).

  • 2 tablespoons melted Olivio Coconut Spread, or butter replacement of choice.
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground Black Pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon White Pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • Dash of Salt
  • Dash of Cayenne Pepper
  • Dash of Onion powder
  • (Optional for more heat): Dash of Red pepper flakes
Melt the Coconut Spread and combine spices together. Stir all ingredients well and drizzle slowly over a bowl of freshly air-popped popcorn. Best enjoyed fresh.

Thoughtful note: Most, if not all Emeril seasonings are gluten-free, as well as Simply Organic. I tend to use mostly Simply Organic, but I also go for McCormick spices now and again.


  1. the popcorn looks soooooo delicious, it's just perfect for a movie night ^^

  2. Thanks! It's a great combination of spicy and crunchy.
