Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's the Skinny? 
You are uniquely beautiful, no matter what anyone else thinks or says. Don't let thoughtless remarks ruin your positive body image.

"Jeez, could you get any skinnier?" --Client at work.

"Well, I have some life threatening food allergies so it's hard to gain weight easily but I'm trying.." --Me.

"Good, 'cause you really need to." --Client.

"Uh, thanks?" --Me.

This isn't the first conversation I've had like this, and I have to admit, it's getting old quick.

About 6 months ago, I was over ten pounds lighter than I am now due to a then undiagnosed severe soy allergy. I've worked quite hard on putting the pounds back on to get to a healthy, stable weight of about 109. It's been difficult, but I'm feeling 110% better and am able to carry on a pretty normal life considering the health issues.

What I will never quite understand is the obsession others carry with commenting on the weight and figure of a person deemed "too skinny" in popular opinion, while it's considered cruel to comment on the weight of an overweight or obese individual. What most people fail to realize is that both extremes hold health risks and the individual who is either "skinny" or "fat" could be busting their tuckus to gain a few extra pounds or to lose them. It's best not to comment at all, especially to a complete stranger when you are unaware of their story.

I usually try to look at things positively, but when a blatant and rude comment is thrown my way that affects body image, I stand up for what I feel and believe is the right thing to do. Think twice the next time you tell someone to "go eat a sandwich". They might be extremely sensitive, be trying to maintain a positive body image, have life threatening allergies, or even be a cancer patient. If this situation sounds familiar, stay strong and remember you are beautiful!
What do you think? Have you ever had a stranger comment on your weight in a negative light? 
Each flower is unique, but beautiful in their own way.


  1. I don't like breakfast. So, I drink a weight loss shake every morning, to at least provide some basic nutrition, calories and protein. I cannot even count how many times people have commented about how I don't need to watch my weight.

    I also happen to calorie count. This not only ensures I don't over-eat, but ensures I don't under-eat. But when people I work with find out that I keep a tally, they launch into the "You don't have to watch what you eat!" rant.

    This is unfair for a number of reasons. Most of which you noted. But even for those of us who don't usually get the "too skinny" lecture, we still get the "you don't have to work for it." lecture. Which discounts all of my hard work and energy spent maintaining my healthy lifestyle- like it just dropped out of the sky into my lap.

    I totally agree with your sentiments here. Keep your head up. =D

  2. Kayla,
    Thanks I hear ya! I just don't understand why people think it's okay to go around making misguided comments like that, especially without knowing a person's story. I always try to place myself in another person's shoes before making a judgement. Keep smiling hun, and kudos for staying healthy =)

  3. I would never make a comment like the ones I receive to a person I did not know well. Thin people are not always that way because they starve themselves or do drugs, and heavy people are not always that way because they overeat. If you can't think of anything to say, kindly restrict your comments to the weather.

    I've come to detest the word "skinny." I'm another calorie-counter to make sure that I eat enough and receive adequate protein, fat, and carbohydrates. It's a lot of work and sometimes very frustrating - the safe foods for me happen to be low in calories, fat, and carbs, which leads people to assume that I intend to maintain my size. Never mind that I eat every two hours!

    Your blog is so positive and inspirational, Kayla, and I am glad you are feeling more like yourself. I should probably get back to blogging, too. I've discovered several new products I should share with other special eaters.

  4. Thanks for the kind words Shannon, it's a strange world out there sometimes isn't it? I agree 110% with what you said, and I think for some odd unknown reason there will always be people more than willing to comment on others' personal lives without really knowing what's going on with them. It's best to just keep your light shining and brush em' off ;) Sending good energies,

  5. Oh how I understand! It peeves me that people feel that it's okay to comment on my size. While very thin due to celiac disease, I would give just about anything to put on 15 pounds. Just last week this woman walks up to me and said, "You are sooo skinny!" I had to bite my toungue to keep from replying, "you are sooo old and wrinkled." I would have been wrong for that, right? "Go eat a cheeseburger", I've been told. If only I could.

  6. I can totally relate! Sending good vibes, and keep your light shining! =)
