Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Earthquakes, thunderstorms, and the mystery culprit.

It seems my life has been a bit of a tornado lately, and I haven't had much time to post.  Well, actually it's been more like an earthquake...literally.  Last week, I thought I was just feeling woozy after a double whammy (gluten and soy attack in the same day), but apparently a 5.8 or 5.9 earthquake hit part of Virginia today and the aftershocks shook our brick apartment building here in Ann Arbor!  I was surprised to hear that someone as far as the Netherlands felt some shaking afterward too.  Glad I didn't have to add "earthquake-y feeling" to my soy reaction symptoms! That one would have the doctors even more puzzled...

This week, I'm finally starting to put a small bit of weight back on, as my body is healing and I'm beginning to absorb nutrients correctly again.  As I understand, soy can attack the villi of the small intestine in the same way that gluten can attack it in Celiac Disease.  I've been taking some extra vitamins to help the healing process and was thrilled when Nature's Bounty company responded to my inquiry regarding the use of soy in their letter vitamins.  They responded with full details about allergen standards and cleaning processes to assure me that no cross contamination was present.  Nature's Bounty was super helpful.  Be sure to read the labeling on each product though, since some of their non letter vitamins may contain soy, gluten, or other allergens.  I am currently taking the C-500 with Rosehips and the B-12 dissolving tablets without reactions.

I wish it was as easy to contact and receive response from every company as it was with Nature's Bounty.  I've had to stop writing this post three times already today to try and get my latest soy reaction in check.  You would probably have a difficult time guessing what the culprit was.  I couldn't figure it out myself for the last few weeks.

I'd been dealing with small to moderate soy reactions a few times this past week, but the worst showed itself yesterday and today.  Here's the scoop: I was using Meijer brand eggs in my allergen free Browine and Blondie mixes.  About 10-30 minutes after eating said sweets, moderate reactions bubbled up and I was in the Benadryl zone for the next 8 hours while my body attempted to rid itself of the offending food.  As I thought back, I realized that each time I had eaten Meijer brand chicken or eggs, I'd experienced soy symptoms.  Though I have not confirmed it with Meijer, I suspect that they are using soy feed in their chickens.  It's absolutely crazy the places you find this stuff.

Yesterday (obviously before today's realization), I ate two Brownies made using Meijer eggs and had quite an off night during the raging thunderstorm.  I took two Benadryl to control the reactions over the course of 8 hours, and still had to take another one before hitting the sack.  Upon waking, I was feeling much better and decided to treat myself to a Brownie for breakfast (C'mon, don't judge! ;) )  Shortly after, I felt a lump in my throat and the familiar stomach swelling.  And it was Benadryl to the rescue again, before things could get out of hand.  (On a side tangent, Benadryl is seriously awesome and works for me within 10 seconds.  I bite open the liquid-gels before I swallow them for faster absorption.  Whoever invented this stuff totally rocks...even though it rocks me to sleep).  Long story short, I had to stop writing this entry 4 times due to the reactions from Meijer eggs in my allergen free mix.  Moral of story and new mission: Find soy free eggs stat!  And chicken for that matter.  I'm wondering if anyone else has these problems, or if I'm just ultra sensitive. Let me know if you've reacted or what you think in the poll box, or leave a comment below.

[polldaddy poll=5485259]

As luck would have it, a new follower of my twitter page ( ) named @soyfreeeggs links to a site called which has information regarding a completely soy free egg.  I have yet to order or try it out, but I plan to contact them within the next few weeks to see where their products are distributed.  I'm hoping anywhere in Michigan is on the list. But for now, I'm off to cook some herb encrusted broiled steaks while my boyfriend cooks his delicious Belarusian style fried potatoes. This hearty meal should help us both fight off this nasty cold we've had for a week...  I'll list the recipe for the steaks coming up in one the next few posts.

Next post:  Soy free, gluten free Makeup!! I finally found it!!

Stay well, let your light shine,

xoxo Bethany

P.s. Here's a few pictures from my cousin's beautiful wedding at Cranbrook House and Gardens in late July.  The meal I had was a gluten free quinoa dish that was absolutely fabulous.  The best part is, it was also soy free as I was sans reaction.

Wedding 1

At the Cranbrook House and Gardens after dinner.Wedding 2


  1. I would love a full disclosure of what they sent you. I was diagnosed with a soy, peanut and tree nut allergy and I have had problem finding vitamins I can take. Even when they say doesn't contain soy I still have reactions. I love your site...thank you so much.

  2. Hi Amber, I am also allergic to soy and peanuts (among other things such as wheat, all legumes, yeast, pomegranates..) Here is the full disclosure of what Nature's Bounty vitamins sent me, as of August 2011:

    "Thank you for contacting Nature’s Bounty. We follow the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) program as outlined by the FDA, in order to identify potential food safety hazards. The HACCP program addresses physical, chemical and biological hazards, preventing any possible cross contamination with offending known allergens. As part of the HACCP program, we evaluate the cleaning of our manufacturing equipment in order to determine if an allergen protein is present. Our cleaning procedures have been evaluated and have been found to sufficiently remove all possible allergen proteins."

    Do be aware that you have to read the back of every product they offer, as not all of them are soy free. For instance, some of their oil capsules contain soybean oil, but most of their letter vitamins are fine. I use C-500 with Rosehips, Time release B-Complex, sometimes B-12 dissolving tablets, and vitamin D-400. Let me know if you need any other information, and good luck with your allergies =) Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Hello Sprinkles,
    I understand exactly where you're coming from I have a very severe soybean allergy. I'm always having accidents almost everyday ingesting some kind of a soy! It's sad that they put in everything from food to cosmetics to beauty products vitamins and medicine. I was taking a vitamin and it contain magnesium stearate! I did not know magnesium stearate has soy! Do any of the nature bounty vitamins contain magnesium stearate has it's even an allergy medicationeveryday claritin and zyrtec etc.

  4. Hello Sprinkles,
    I understand exactly where you're coming from I have a very severe soybean allergy. I'm always having accidents almost everyday ingesting some kind of a soy! It's sad that they put in everything from food to cosmetics to beauty products vitamins and medicine. I was taking a vitamin and it contain magnesium stearate! I did not know magnesium stearate has soy! Do any of the nature bounty vitamins contain magnesium stearate it's even in allergy medication claritin and zyrtec etc.

  5. Hi Diamond,
    Isn't it crazy how much stuff they put soy in? I was even reacting to my lotion and makeup! I safely take a few types of Nature's Bounty vitamins, but some of them definitely do contain soy. I just be careful to each label individually. They're pretty good about labeling for food allergies actually. I don't have an issue with some of the vitamin C Nature's Bounty. To be more specific, the 500 Vitamin C with Rosehips (chewable). Hope this helps!

    Sending soy-free wishes!
